Welcome to &¶, a blog to write about whatever I choose, however I choose. That will probably include the following: politics, culture, literature, spirituality, art, music and whatever else pleases my fancy.

I want to know everything. I derive sincere enjoyment from taking things — personalities, ideas, symbols, events, social systems — apart to see how they work — and how they could change.

The two characters above are an Ampersand & and a Pilcrow ¶. Their meaning is as follows:

The Ampersand is an ancient Latin character, first discovered in the notes of Cicero’s secretary. It stands for a conjunction and is considered the most feminine punctuation mark. The Pilcrow, the most masculine punctuation mark, originated in the medieval era. It is used to indicate a new train of thought and thus the breaking of an old one.

Conjunction + New Thought

That is all for now. Except that the picture up top will change. Oh yes.

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